You’ve likely heard about HVAC maintenance plans. But most homeowners in Summerville, SC, still haven’t signed up for one because they don’t know their benefits. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of signing up for an HVAC maintenance plan.

Improved HVAC Efficiency

Every HVAC maintenance agreement includes routine service visits in the spring and fall. One of the areas of focus is components of your system that tend to create airflow restrictions. When your system cannot circulate air effectively, your heating and cooling efficiency decreases greatly.

The service technician will carefully clean these areas, including your circulating fan and evaporator and condensing coils. They’ll also check your air filter and advise you whether it’s time to change it.

Lower Repair Bills

When your system has even the slightest problem, it puts additional strain on all the other components. This additional strain translates into more parts wearing out, necessitating repairs to keep your system running.

Routine maintenance keeps your system running efficiently, reducing the strain. As a result, it helps to prevent some heating and cooling repairs.

Extended Service Life

Typically, air conditioners last 12–15 years, and furnaces last about 20. When your system experiences excessive strain, it may cause premature failure as well. Keeping your system operating at peak efficiency extends its useful service life.

Priority Scheduling

When your system has a problem, you want to know that you’ll be able to get service right away. An HVAC maintenance agreement gives you priority scheduling, so you can get repairs quickly.

Discounts on Service

If you need to fix your system, you want to get the best prices possible. An HVAC maintenance agreement also provides a discount of repair services, bringing your annual costs down further.

Be sure to take care of your HVAC investment and keep your household safe and comfortable. Call to sign up for a maintenance agreement with Carolina Custom Air today.

Image provided by iStock

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